Climate Change / Sea Level Rise Commission

Flooded Road


The Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Commissioners of St. Michaels, with an ex-officio member from the Town Commissioners and the Planning Commission. Preference will be given to Town Residents on the Commission. Membership shall consist of representatives of the Waterways Management Advisory Board, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, waterfront business owners, and town residents, both waterfront and non-waterfront. Ord. 523: Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission

The Panel meets as frequently as needed, but no less than once every three months. Unless notice is given of an alternative venue, all meetings will be held at the Boy Scout Cabin, located at 407 St. Mary’s Square.

The Commissioners have been studying Climate Change and Sea Level Rise and see the effects on St. Michaels. Chapter 14 of the St. Michaels Comprehensive Plan 2015, entitled Climate Resilience, recognizes the challenges associated with being a coastal community on the East Coast with low sea-level, high water tables, and hurricane risks, and recognizes that it is crucial that the Town improve its resiliency measures.; and as such have created this commission.